HFF Facebook

HFF Facebook – Rules and Regulations

Join us on Facebook Here: Holistic Ferret Forum Facebook

Holistic Ferrets tries to promote as natural a diet and lifestyle for ferrets as possible. We provide enrichment, stimulation, interaction and diet to help a ferret to be the best he or she can be. We are pro raw feeding, and pro whole prey feeding for our furry companions. Live feeding techniques will also be discussed. If you have an issue with this please just scroll past the discussion and do not take part.

There will be NO kibble vs raw debates allowed on the Facebook group. They will be deleted.


The Facebook group will recommend no kibbles at all as we are a raw feeding group. Any kibble discussions on Facebook will be deleted WITH NO WARNING. There are many other websites who will be only too happy to help you pick one out. You are also welcome to join the Forum and discuss kibble there.

We do NOT mentor on the Facebook page. Nor will we be responsible if you do not listen to advice or follow recommendations for feeding a balanced raw diet. For a one on one mentor you need to fill the Mentor Program Application on the Forum.

Please take the time to read the Forum Rules and Regulations below and our Raw Diet F.A.Qs on common questions about feeding ferrets a raw diet.

Please do NOT post rehoming posts on the HFF Facebook page. Instead, if it can wait for a bit, please post to: Dookerz Rehoming

If URGENT rehoming is necessary please post to Ferrets Dookin’

We have noticed an increasing number of people who while not willing to make the commitment to a full raw switch, are asking about a kibble/raw mix in some form or another. While yes, there are some benefits (the less kibble in a carnivore’s diet the better) we as a group cannot stand behind this. It defeats one of the largest benefits of raw feeding – reducing the risk of insulinoma, and improving blood glucose control in pre-existing cases. Also, given kibble is considered “balanced” any raw meat fed as a supplement would also have to be balanced (meat/bone/organ), or nutritional deficiencies will occur. In light of this, any queries about this type of diet will result in the thread being locked down by admin. [You are welcome to join the Forum and discuss the pros and cons of mixed diet there.]

We do NOT permit discussions about the use of Essential Oils or CBD on the Facebook page due to the lack of supporting evidence for benefit and the potential risk for harm. If you wish to discuss these topics, please head to the forum itself.

Live feeding is supported when done in a safe and humane fashion, and discussion of such topics is permitted. If this makes you uncomfortable, please scroll by. VIDEOS of life feeding however, are not permitted on Facebook and should be posted instead on the Live Feeding Board of the forum.

Please also note that we do NOT permit posts, photos/videos, etc of situations that can pose a risk to your ferrets’ safety and well-being on the FB page OR forum without appropriate precautionary warnings and discussion – both for the OP and any beginners who may be reading. These warnings are NOT to make anyone feel bad – we are ALL learning, (even those with decades of experience are constantly learning and improving), and we ALL make mistakes. The primary purpose of this page is for education both about raw feeding, and general ferret care. If you post a comment, photo, or video displaying potentially hazardous activities admin WILL provide precautionary recommendations.

******A few examples of such topics include rubber toys (blockage hazard), references to nose-flicking or scruffing as a punishment, improper inter-species interactions (e.g. wrestling with dogs), fall risks, inappropriate housing or diet, etc.******

– HFF Admin

Rules and Regulations

1) No flaming is allowed here for any reason at any time.
2) Keep it clean, this is a family oriented site.
3) Trolls and/or spammers will have their IP address immediately banned.
4) Businesses will not be named unless proof of abuse/negligence is forwarded to administration first. While we do not want ferrets(or other animals) in danger, neither do we want a legitimate business owner to receive massive volumes of hate mail, or worse, have their business adversely affected. Nor do we want ourselves open to lawsuits for libel or slander.
5) We encourage posts containing contact information for ferret knowledgeable vets in your area as this will assist others in finding vets. However, any posts containing a veterinarian’s name should not contain negative comments regarding that veterinarian. If a member has a bad experience with a vet, please include the vets name on the forum list for vets and place a note in parentheses with notice that a member may contact you via private message for your subjective feedback, personal recommendations and experiences.
Also, no emails from business entities, individuals or veterinarians may be published on this forum without the written permission of the email author.
6) using curse words/foul language to refer to or describe another member or when addressing another member is prohibited.
7) Photos showing ferrets eating inappropriate foods/treats (coffee, tea, cookies, sugar, candy, soda, cereal, etc) are not allowed on this forum and will be deleted. We are dedicated to promoting HEALTHY diets for ferrets.
8) We will not tolerate individuals who breed their ferrets irresponsibly with no regard to the animals’ health and well-being.
9) We will not tolerate individuals who refuse to provide their animals with proper medical care as that is outright neglect and tantamount to abuse.
Note: Individuals participating in the above activities (8 and 9) will be removed from the group, and we reserve the right to do so without warning.
10) Sales posts and fundraisers are not permitted unless first approved. Please complete the form HERE for permission.
Breaking of these few rules (other than the 3rd one) have the following repercussions:
First offense: Post deleted, and a warning issued.
Second offense: 3 day suspension from forum
Third offense: Account deleted and IP address banned.
If, however, it can be proved, either by evidence, or by lack of response for needed information from a member, to have deliberately slandered a business, the member will be banned immediately. The administration reserves the right to employ these measures as it sees fit.
If ANY bullying, flaming, or threats are made via private message and the forum administrator/moderators are alerted, the offender will be banned from this forum and/or group immediately.


The foregoing Terms of Use and Forum Agreement (“Terms of Use”) governs the Holistic Ferret Forum and all of its members and users.

The “Holistic Ferret Forum” shall include the Facebook Group “Holistic Ferrets” as well as the Holistic Ferret Forum website and the previous Holistic Ferret Forum located at Proboards 80.

By accessing the Holistic Ferret Forum, you agree to be bound by the following Terms of Use. All users of the Holistic Ferret Forum should read and understand these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please do not use or post on the Holistic Ferret Forum.

We may change these Terms of Use at any time. You can review the most current version of these terms by clicking on this link: Forum Rules. You are responsible for checking these terms periodically for changes. If you continue to use the Holistic Ferret Forum after we post changes to these Terms of Use, you are signifying your acceptance of the new terms.

You may use the Holistic Ferret Forum for lawful purposes only. You may not submit or transmit through the Holistic Ferret Forum any material, or otherwise engage in any conduct that:

A. violates or infringes the rights of others including, without limitation, patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, publicity or other proprietary rights;

B. is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another’s privacy, or tortious;

C. victimizes, harasses, degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability;

D. impersonates any person, business or entity, including the Holistic Ferret Forum administrators;

E. contains viruses or any other computer code, files or programs that interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment, or otherwise permit the unauthorized use of a computer or computer network;

F. encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, or that gives rise to civil liability.

In addition, Holistic Ferret Forum urges its members to carefully consider any statements about, or concerning the actions of other organizations, businesses, corporations, individuals, veterinarians (or their staff), suppliers, sellers, and not to make any disparaging or defamatory statements in such regard.

You understand and agree that the opinions expressed by non-administrative members are not necessarily the opinions of the administrators and may or may not be totally accurate. The Holistic Ferret Forum administrators monitor posts for accuracy and safety issues as much as possible. However, the Holistic Ferret Forum does not represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any of the material posted by users of the Holistic Ferret Forum.

The Holistic Ferret Forum encourages ferret owners to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnoses and recommendations before using any remedies. You acknowledge that any reliance on material posted on the Holistic Ferret Forum will be at your own risk and you agree that the Holistic Ferret Forum, its members, administrators, moderators and mentors are not liable for the results of any actions taken by you based on information contained within this forum. In no way, shape or form is it suggested that any advice given by ferret owners on this forum can replace proper veterinary care and advice! IF YOUR FERRET IS SICK, TAKE HIM/HER TO THE VET IMMEDIATELY!

By publishing material onto the Holistic Ferret Forum, you warrant and represent that you own any copyright, trademark or other proprietary right in such material, or have received permission from the person or entity who owns such rights.

You shall not “copy and paste” on the Holistic Ferret Forum any content protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of the copyright, trademark or other proprietary right. You are solely responsible for determining that such material is not protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right.

If you are quoting information from another internet source, you must identify the source of the information and provide a direct link to the original source. If a post from another source is published on this forum, you should provide a link to the direct source with credit to the original author, website, or the original source of the material.

You agree that you are responsible for your own use of the Holistic Ferret Forum, for any posts you make, for any content you upload, and for any consequences thereof.

You agree that you shall be solely liable and shall indemnify and hold the Holistic Ferret Forum harmless for any and all causes of action and damages resulting from any and all legal actions and/or damages resulting from posts made by you, including but not limited to: defamatory statements made against a business or individual, intentional interference with advantageous business relationships, infringement of copyright, trademark, trade secrets or other proprietary right.

You agree to be responsible for any and all attorneys, fees and costs incurred by the Holistic Ferret Forum in defending any cause of action or any type of claim resulting from any statements or posts made by you on this forum.