Emergency Services Door Stickers

Emergency Services Door Stickers

Emergencies in the home can happen without warning. One of the most dreaded and unpredictable home emergencies is a house fire. In the case of a fire, you may be unable to alert Fire Fighters about your pets in the home. Putting an emergency services sticker on the door can help inform them, and may save your ferrets’ lives.

One of our members, @jhonogudiel at instagram, kindly created door stickers for owners with single or multiple ferrets. Click on the links below to open and print stickers for your home.

Save My Ferret Sticker (Single Ferret)

Photo Credit: @jhonogudiel at instagram


Save My Ferrets Sticker (Multiple Ferrets)

Photo Credit: @jhonogudiel at instagram


Or for BOTH Stickers:

Save My Ferret(s) Door Stickers